
Showing posts from November, 2020

self esteem vs self confidence

  In psychology, the term   self - esteem   is used to describe a person's overall sense of   self -worth or personal value. In other words, how much you appreciate and like yourself. It involves a variety of beliefs about yourself, such as the appraisal of your own appearance, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors. Self - confidence  is an attitude about your skills and abilities. It means you accept and trust yourself and have a sense of control in your life. You know your strengths and weakness well, and have a positive view of yourself. You set realistic expectations and goals, communicate assertively, and can handle criticism.

Sleep well & Sweet dreams!

Mounting evidence suggests that a good night's  sleep  seriously boosts  productivity . One study of 4,188 U.S. workers found "significantly worse  productivity , performance, and safety outcomes" among those who slept less, and estimated a $1,967 loss in  productivity  per worker due to poor  sleep. Sleep deprivation  negatively  affects  work performance— productivity  and quality—and working relationships. Without adequate  sleep , employees have more difficulty concentrating, learning, and communicating. Memory lapses increase. Problem-solving abilities decline. Reduced interaction with people –  Lack of sleep  causes people to become less  social  and lonely. The reason is that the brain has difficulties reading facial expressions and interprets most faces as threatening. As such, these individuals are less likely to engage in conversations with others and may be very irritable.

senator, governor and a congressman. (U.S 2020 presidential election race)

First, you must understand the organization of the “United States”. Point One: United “States” is a collection or 50 sovereign governments each of whom has their own government, The “federal” government has very specific authorities. Point two: Each State is like a mini-USA, with its own government. Except that each state gets to define their own. Some don’t even call themselves “states” - they are “commonwealths”. But they are all similar, and democratic. OK… Point three… the “common” structure has three parts- an “executive”, a ”legislature” , and a “judiciary”. At the federal level, the “executive” is the president and all the Departments that make up the government, the legislature actually has two parts (House or Representatives and the Senate) and the “judiciary” has a whole system of fedaral courts topped by the Supreme Court. At the state level, its pretty much the same, except the “executive” is called the governor, and the legislature is just one body, but there is also a who